Educational resources
Organic Transition and Certification
New financial assistance opportunities for organic transition
- NRCS now offers financial and technical assistance to farmers choosing to implement new organic management practices. OFA has put together a great Fact Sheet to help you navigate the process. Additional details about the program can be found here.
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP), administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), provides organic producers and handlers with financial assistance to reduce the cost of organic certification up to a maximum reimbursement of $750 per certification scope. Find out more here.
Mentorship program for producers transitioning to organic production
This new mentorship program from the The Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) is a great opportunity to gain mentorship during your transition to organic production. TOPP is a network assembled by the USDA’s National Organic Program to support transitioning and organic producers with mentorship and resources. Learn more about the mentorship program here and TOPP here.

Articles & Websites
- Principles for Transition to Organic Production, University of Minnesota website with learning modules and case studies, 2019
- Organic Farmers Steps to Success (4 pp PDF) MN Dept of Ag
- USDA NOP Guide to Transitional Farming (7 page PDF) USDA resource
- Organic Transition: A Business Planner for Farmers, Ranchers and Food Entrepreneurs, (2015, 180 pp Book) Gigi DiGiacamo, Robert P. Kind and Dale Nordquist, University of Minnesota
- Transitioning to Organic – Strategies for Success (2018, 6 pp PDF) Gary Zimmer and Leilani Zimmer-Durand, Acres U.S.A.
- Organic Certification Checklist for Transitioning to Organic Grain Producers, (2019, 2 pp PDF) Harriet Behar, NOSB & OGRAIN
- Transition from Conventional to Organic (2019, 3 pp PDF) Craig Chase, Kathleen Delate, Ann Johanns, Iowa State University
- Bringing Idle Land into Organic Production (2008, 4 pp PDF) Mary-Howell and Klaas Martens
- Farmers Speak: Organic Transition Farmers Daryl Hinderman, Jonathan Olson, Gary McDonald and Sandy Syburg share thoughts, YouTube video. 2020 (8 min)
- Turning problems into solutions: Farmer panel John Wepking, Meadowlark Organics, Thor Oeschner, Oeschner Farms, Jared Siverling, Siverling Centennial Farm, YouTube video 2020 OGRAIN Conference,(90 mins)
- Transitioning to organic grain production Jared Siverling, Siverling Century Farm,YouTube video 2020 OGRAIN Conference (30 mins)
- Strategies for Transitioning to Organic Grain Crops, farmers Dan Coffman, Joel Layman and Jon Jovaag, YouTube video 2019 OGRAIN Conference
- Organic Certification Basics, Harriet Behar, YouTube video 2019 OGRAIN Conference
- Diversity Builds Resilience . Klaas Martens, YouTube video 2018 OGRAIN Conference
- Beginning Farmer Q&A, YouTube Video 2017 OGRAIN Winter Conference
PowerPoint Presentations
- Organic Certification Basics, Harriet Behar, NOSB Chair (pdf file of 2019 OGRAIN Winter Conference powerpoint presentation)
- Organic Transition Strategies, Jon Jovaag, Jovaag Family Farm (pdf file of 2019 OGRAIN Winter Conference powerpoint presentation)
- Bloodied, Battered & Still Farming:Organic Transition Stories, Joel Layman, J.D. Layman Farms (pdf file of 2019 OGRAIN Winter Conference powerpoint presentation)
- Organic Transition, Dan Coffman, Coffman Farm (pdf file of 2019 OGRAIN Winter Conference powerpoint presentation)
- Navigating Organic Regulations Harriet Behar, NOSB member (pdf file of 2018 OGRAIN Winter Conference powerpoint presentation)
- Transitioning to Organic Sandy Syburg, Purple Cow Organics (pdf file of 2018 OGRAIN Winter Conference powerpoint presentation)
- Transitioning to Organic Jared Siverling, Siverling Farm (pdf file of 2018 OGRAIN Winter Conference powerpoint presentation)
- Transition to Organic Grain Story Mark Doudlah (pdf file of 2018 OGRAIN Winter Conference powerpoint presentation)
- Getting Started in Small Grains Bruce Roskens, Grain Millers (pdf file of 2018 OGRAIN Winter Conference powerpoint presentation)